Since 2012, Valour Place has had a fair share of babies born , while their parents were houseguests, 87 to be exact!
In the last year alone we have had 14 Valour Babies born.
Usually when a family stays at Valour Place, during their pregnancy, it is because mother or baby require urgent care but now that is not necessarily the case . Recently, as a few communities in Alberta & NWT have stopped delivering babies at their local hospitals. Families must now come to Edmonton, to have their babies, even if it is a normal pregnancy.
We are happy to welcome veterans, RCMP, military members, and first responders from those communities at No Cost to them.
We are showing these families more love with our Valour Baby program. When a Valour baby is born, we have always provided a keepsake Valour Baby blanket, kindly made by Doug & Shirley Seymour. We are finding there is a need for other baby essentials, as families are unable to bring much with them.
We hope you will consider supporting this program with a financial contribution or by a purchase of something from our Valour Baby Wish List on Amazon. You are welcome to purchase the needed items and drop off in person as well.
Each family will receive a gift bag with a Valour Baby blanket and onesies, diapers, baby wash and cream, baby wipes. washcloths, receiving blankets, sleepers. These items will help get them through until they can be home.