Tommy & Jennie's Story
Back in Cold Lake, the Doans heard about Valour Place through word of mouth. Most of the people we accommodate end up finding us when they are in dire circumstances, and with Tommy being in the Military, they were no exception. Having just suffered through a miscarriage, times were rough for the couple. To make matters bleaker, Jennie had been diagnosed with some worrying health issues of her own. Since mid-December 2016, the Doans needed bimonthly checkups in Edmonton for Jennie's condition, and we were more than happy to provide accommodations for them during this time.
One day, as fate had it, they were expecting again! However, they were marked as a high-risk pregnancy, and their bi-monthly checkups became more and more frequent, soon settling to once a month trips. During the next thirty-nine weeks, our doors stayed wide open for them, and time quickly flew by...
Emily Doan was born on May 1st, 2018. Weighing six pounds and looking perfect and healthy, the Doans were all set to go home. Alas, that didn't happen right away.Their stay was extended for a little while longer because of a few complications. Jennie was readmitted to the hospital, and fortunately, recovered in due time. The couple and their baby have returned home as of May 17th, 2018!
By the end of her pregnancy, until the day they left with their newest miracle, the Doans stayed at Valour Place for an entire month at no cost. Before that, they have been regular guests since 2016.
"Valour Place has done amazing things for us." -Tommy Doan
We are so overjoyed that we could be there to help Tommy & Jennie through this turbulant but rewarding period in their life, and we are so thankful to be able to share this story with everyone who supports us and our cause.